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Shape, Size, and Design: Using Calculus to Perfect a Design

Learn from our experts how Calculus is used by manufacturers, designers and engineers to maximize resources while still emerging with an ideal design. Hear from an Aerospace Engineer how Calculus is used for design optimization and spacecraft maneuvers to minimize fuel consumption. Learn from a Computational Engineer how Calculus is used in developing computer simulations that both reduce development costs and dramatically shorten the time to market for new products. Learn from a Computer Design Technician how the different sizes of the iPod, iPhone, and iMACs are designed given the components that need to go into the structure and the resources available. Finally, hear from a Sports Equipment Designer how Calculus plays a prominent role in the evolving design of sports equipment on all levels, from baseball bats and tennis racquets to football helmets.

  1. Aerospace Engineer

  2. Sports Equipment Designer

  3. Computational Engineer

  4. Apple products designer