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Web 2.0: The Emergence of Information Literacy

Terms such as "Google it" and "blogging" have become ubiquitous in modern-day society. It seems like search engines and blogs have been around forever, while in fact they are relatively recent developments. This unit offers the chance to go deeper and explore these digital phenomena and their impact on writing, expression, information gathering, and society as a whole. Learn from a skilled Blogger about the art of blogging and its techniques and learn what separates it from other forms of communication. Hear from a Publishing Company how Web 2.0 has changed the way they conduct business. Talk with a Software Developer and discover how the Web 2.0 software was developed and is constantly modified to meet the needs of modern society. Finally, hear from the Representative of an Online Education Game Company about how Web 2.0 technology has drastically expanded the way students can involve themselves in educational activities.

  1. Skilled Blogger

  2. Publisher

  3. Software Developer

  4. Online Gaming Company Developer